The [email protected] community rules are laid out below. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the moderator team or myself ([email protected]) directly.
Posts must relate to anime or anime-related topics
The working definition we are working with for this rule is that a show/movie is considered anime if it has either a MAL page or an AniList page. Similarly, anime-related topics could include posts about animation studios, voice talent, musicians, or other industry personnel that have worked on anime projects in the past.
There are some topics that some might consider anime-related but are not allowed. An example would be video games that feature anime properties. Posts about these are not permitted in this community. Additionally, routine behind the scenes footage of industry talent like voice actors are not permitted. Posts about individuals should be about significant events (marriage, illness, death, etc.). For more typical behind the scenes footage, check out [email protected].
If you have a post removed and you feel it has been removed in error, feel free to reach out.
Do not post explicitly NSFW material
Posts containing heavily NSFW content is not allowed. What is or is not considered over the line is admittedly a subjective call made by the moderation team. In general, visuals that explicitly show genitalia or sexual acts would be over the line. Some non-hentai shows have nudity, so any post that has visuals featuring nudity (in a clip or screenshot) from these shows would need to be marked as NSFW or the post will be removed.
In the past, some posts have been allowed that discuss NSFW series, but do not feature any NSFW imagery. These posts are handled on a case by case basis and would need to be marked as NSFW when submitted.
Another edge-case that has occurred in the past is that a post links to an external page that is SFW, but has NSFW ads for some users. This is impossible to completely screen for and it is assumed that if the post is not marked as NSFW, that these explicit ads did not appear for the person making the post. If you run across this situation, please bring it to the attention of the mod team.
Finally, any content that contravenes the Terms of Use would be removed.
In general, the [email protected] community is a fairly SFW community and the mod team's judgement on what constitutes NSFW may be tamer than some other communities that are more art-focused. Please use your best judgement when making posts/comments.
All discussion threads for currently airing media are made by the bot, @[email protected]. If there is an issue with the bot for whatever reason, feel free to reach out to @[email protected]. For additional information on why this is the case and how the bot works, see the links below:
Memes and image macros will be removed from the anime community. There are a couple of communities that are better suited for meme content.
If you try to post a clip within a week after the episode/movie that the clip is derived from, it will be removed. Instead, if you want to share the clip, it would be more appropriate to share within the discussion thread for that episode/movie.
It is best practice to tag the clip post with the [Clip]
tag to help users more easily search for clips that have been previously posted. The title of a clip post must include the name of the anime. If the clip features any explicit content, it needs to be marked as NSFW. Ecchi clips that don't explicitly show nudity should probably be marked as NSFW. Please use your best judgement.
Due to the federated and open nature of lemmy, different clients are going to render spoiler tags differently (or not at all). I have already written a guide on proper spoiler tagging expectations for the community here with more information.
As the lemmy platform evolves, the spoiler syntax may evolve with it. If there is a change to spoiler tagging expectations, there will be a meta post to the community detailing things and this page will be updated accordingly.
Piracy discussions should be directed elsewhere.
Piracy is a bit of an anime fact of life. Such is the case when the community deals with users dispersed across the globe and the tangled web of licensing agreements mean that many shows are simply unavailable to many users by any legal means.
However, discussion of piracy sites/methods/links should be directed towards a different community and risk being removed from the anime community.
I am not opposed to allowing people to post videos/articles/content that they made themselves. However, to engage in self-promotion in this way, there are some simple guidelines that you should follow:
In general, if you make posts or comments that cause you to come off as a jerk or are mean towards others in the community or in general, then your posts risk being removed. Please don't resort to using language like slurs or disparaging others.
This is the catch-all, don't be a dick rule. So, just be nice to each other and enjoy anime together instead of getting angry. If you see comments or posts that you feel cross this line, then please use the report tool to let the moderator team become aware of them.